Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Summer Training For The U.S

With winter now done here in NZ and last weekend off it was straight back into Spring Training for  winter in the U.S first thing Monday morning!
First up I need to shed a few winter pounds and up the aerobic levels somewhat so it's early morning Boot Camp ( 6am to 7am ) four morning per week ( Yes, before school too ) for 4 weeks and a weekly one on one session with my Personal Trainer at Fight Science Queenstown.
Once the Boot Camp is finished I'll move to two days a week with my Personal Trainer working on strength conditioning and speed and agility work combined with some altitude running at Coronet Peak before another Boot Camp prior to Christmas.
I'll treat myself to a week off over Christmas and New Year and then hit the gym hard for 10 days before heading away to the U.S on January 14th 2015.